martes, 26 de mayo de 2009

Sebastián Mariscal es fundador de Sebastián Mariscal Estudio, establecido en 2000, en San Diego California. Aportando un enfoque de manos activas (hands on) a la arquitectura, el estudio se compromete con el diseño, el desarrollo y la construcción, la búsqueda de la libertad creativa para la experimentación y la innovación. El trabajo ha aparecido en publicaciones nacionales e internacionales y ha recibido numerosos premios.
Nacido en la Ciudad de México en 1970, Sebastián Mariscal comenzó su aprendizaje de la arquitectura a una edad temprana en el estudio de su padre. En 1988 abrió su propio estudio en la Ciudad de México y eventualmente colaboró con Tonet Sunyer en Barcelona (1995-1996). Se incorporó a Jonathan Segal en San Diego, CA (1997-2000) para posteriormente iniciar su propia práctica.

Our work seeks to reveal the passionate pursuit of new spatial and material environments that both reflect and challenge human experiences. The need for spiritual reflection and introspection pushes us to draw from immaterial values to awaken human emotions, while remaining grounded and influenced by the circumstance of every project, by the urgency of sustainability, and by the pressure for economic viability.


The small group of designers and builders that make up the Sebastián Mariscal Studio seek full control over the disciplines of designer, builder, and developer to deliver a project from conception to habitation, and to find craft that maintains the integrity of space. Inspired by the uncertainty of the unknown, the Studio often facilitates small development projects that respond to the city fabric and challenge the conventional rules of the market, ultimately seeking to improve the quality and expectations on the built environment. The underlying cross-disciplinary process at work in our practice contributes to the efficiency of every project, and challenges the traditional level of involvement of the related fields, offering the advantage of liberating every opportunity to create a meaningful and fulfilling environment.


Our focus as a Studio remains the search for architecture that uses the elemental vocabularies of space, materiality, light, shadow, nature, silence, and emotion. Architecture that is free of aesthetic pursuits and qualifications, that connects humans back with themselves, and that, by virtue of its informal conception, lives.


Sebastián Mariscal

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